TimeDistanceMeetingLocation / GroupAddressRegionDistrictTypes
1:00 pm West Cross Meeting of Cocaine Anonymous
Linden Church, Elm Grove Road, West Cross, Swansea. SA3 5LD
Elmgrove Rd Swansea Big Book, Face-to-face, Newcomer, Open, Speaker
6:00 pm Cardigan
Mount Zion Baptist church, Priory St, Cardigan SA43 1BU
Priory St West Wales Face-to-face
6:30 pm Keep the Faith/Cadw'r Ffydd
Nolton Church Hall
10 Merthyrmawr Rd N Bridgend CA Wales Area Big Book, Face-to-face, Newcomer, Open
6:30 pm Newport Quiet Peace Meditation Meeting
St Woolas Chapel
131 Stow Hill Newport 11th Step Meditation, Face-to-face, Open
7:00 pm Spirit of Freedom/Ysbryd Rhyddid
Cornwall Street Baptist Church
In-person and Online
Rutland St Cardiff Closed, Face-to-face, Online Meeting, Speaker